
MQ Market Updates - 25 July 2024 

2024-07-25 18:13:01
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MQ Market Updates - 25 July 2024 

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UEM Sunrise Bhd's second attempt to dispose its South Africa's unit has fallen through again as the buyer Azishe Properties Proprietary Ltd failed to fulfil its payment obligations within the stipulated time frame, according to its filing with Bursa Malaysia Securities. (NST)

ViTrox Bhd said it is confident in achieving steady growth and improvements in the semiconductor back-end sector. (TheStar)

Pesona Metro Holdings Bhd (KL:PESONA) has made a lodgement with the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) for the establishment of a sukuk wakalah programme of up to RM185 million, based on the shariah principle of 'Wakalah Bi Al-Istithmar'. (TheEdge) 

Prudential plc has emerged as a substantial shareholder at Penang-based automated test equipment (ATE) maker TT Vision Holdings Bhd (KL:TTVHB), after acquiring 293,600 shares in the company. (TheEdge) 

Ahmad Zaki Resources Bhd's unit, Ahmad Zaki Sdn Bhd, has secured a contract from Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) valued at RM151.99 million. (NST)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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