
MQ Market Updates - 28 June 2024 

2024-06-28 17:39:24
4731 subscribers

MQ Market Updates - 28 June 2024 

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ACE Market-bound Sik Cheong Bhd has entered into an underwriting agreement withTA Securities Holdings Bhd in conjunction with its upcoming initial public offering (IPO). (TheEdge)

ACE Market-bound Kucingko Bhd aims to raise RM30mil through its initial public offering (IPO) to fund its capacity expansion. (TheStar)

IJM Corp Bhd's first data centre (DC) construction contract win is a critical step for the company to penetrate a booming DC construction market, according to Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd (HLIB). (NST)

Telekom Malaysia Bhd (KL:TM) said it has executed an agreement with MYTV Broadcasting Sdn Bhd to settle all their disputes related to non-payment for the provision of digital terrestrial television (DTT), broadcasting infrastructure and network facilities. (TheEdge)

Affin Hwang Capital has terminated coverage on Jaycorp Bhd due to a reallocation of resources and given the low trading liquidity. (NST)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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