
MQ Market Updates - 20 May 2024

2024-05-20 17:44:12
4731 subscribers

MQ Market Updates - 20 May 2024 

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Sunview Group Bhd announced a partnership with Uzbekistan-based Yashil Energiya on Monday to explore renewable and green energy opportunities in Uzbekistan. (TheEdge)

Electronics manufacturing services firm Notion VTec Bhd charted a new three-year high on Monday, as Bursa Malaysia’s Technology Index touched a new one-year high following the US’ plan to hike tariffs on semiconductors from China. (TheEdge)

Public Bank Bhd (PBB), which saw its net profit dip 3.5% in the first quarter ended March 31 (1Q24), will remain vigilant in its business approach and maintain its prudent risk profile to weather ongoing risks. (TheStar)

Maxis Bhd’s intention to build a second fifth-generation (5G) network could potentially put the group’s financial position and future earnings under pressure, according to analysts. (TheEdge)

Kinergy Advancement Bhd (KAB) will continue to focus on expanding its energy solutions and customer base in the energy sector. (TheStar)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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