
MQ Market Updates - 14 May 2024 

2024-05-14 18:18:05
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MQ Market Updates - 14 May 2024 

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Malakoff Corporation Bhd's subsidiary Alam Flora Environmental Solutions (AFES) has signed a technology partner agreement with City Oil Field Inc (COF) to explore innovative technology for eco-friendly waste treatment.  (NST)

Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (KL:AIRPORT), or MAHB, is ready to have Mohamed Rastam Shahrom at the helm of the airport operator permanently after seven months as acting group chief executive officer, according to sources. (TheEdge)

Farm Price Holdings Bhd's shares doubled in value on their debut on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia, after an initial public offering (IPO) that raised RM24.5mil to fund the company's expansion. (TheStar)

YNH Property Bhd’s (KL: YNHPROP) proposed sale of a 5.098-acre freehold land in Desa Sri Hartamas to Sunway Bhd (KL:SUNWAY) for RM170 million has been extended for a fifth time, stretching the deadline by another year to May 12, 2025, as more conditions are being added to the deal following the discovery of a registered caveat lodged over the property. (TheEdge)

Capital A Bhd's catering arm Santan is considering having an in-flight kitchen, given the increasing demand for in-flight meals from other carriers. (NST)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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