
MQ Market Updates - 07 May 2024 

2024-05-07 17:35:19
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MQ Market Updates - 07 May 2024 

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Bursa Malaysia Bhd has unveiled Malaysia’s first profiling platform featuring and facilitating better connections between representatives of dealers and investors, beyond traditional channels. (TheStar)

Building construction services provider Siab Holdings Bhd has signed an underwriting agreement with M&A Securities and NewParadigm Securities Sdn Bhd for the group's rights issue with warrant exercise, aiming to raise RM91.98 million. (TheEdge)

Pekat Group Bhd's wholly-owned subsdiary Pekat Teknology Sdn Bhd has entered into negotiations with Apex Power Industry Sdn Bhd for the potential acquisition of equity in EPE Switchgear (M) Sdn Bhd. (TheStar)

CIMB Securities has increased their loss projections for Lotte Chemical Titan Holdings (LCT) for the financial years 2024, 2025, and 2026 (FY24/FY25/FY26) by 18 per cent, 36 per cent, and 166 per cent respectively. (NST)

Sime Darby Plantation Bhd (SDP) is making a foray into green industrial park, starting with the proposed development of the Kerian Integrated Green Industrial Park (KIGIP) in Perak. (TheEdge)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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