
MQ Market Updates - 18 April 2024

2024-04-18 17:41:22
4731 subscribers

MQ Market Updates - 18 April 2024 

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Sin-Kung Logistics Bhd aims to raise RM26mil from its initial public offering (IPO) en route to a listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia. (TheStar)

Food and supplement company OB Holdings Bhd said on Thursday that it has secured approval from Bursa Malaysia for an initial public offering (IPO) on the bourse’s ACE Market, to raise funds for expansion. (TheEdge)

RHB Banking Group plans to raise its allocation for sustainable financial services to RM50 billion by 2026. (NST)

HeiTech Padu Bhd plans to raise almost RM23 million from a private placement of 10.1 million shares for working capital. (NST)

Feytech Holdings Bhd has entered into an underwriting agreement with TA Securities Holdings Bhd and AmInvestment Bank Bhd for the company's initial pulic offering (IPO) on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. (TheStar)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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