
MQ Market Updates - 17 April 2024

2024-04-17 17:37:38
4735 subscribers

MQ Market Updates - 17 April 2024 

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Heitech Padu Bhd has secured a contract worth RM190.01 million from the Road Transport Department (JPJ). (NST)

Practice Note 17 (PN17) company Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd has obtained another extension from Bursa Malaysia to submit its regularisation plan. (TheStar)

Reservoir Link Energy Bhd’s 51%-owned subsidiary Founder Energy Sdn Bhd (FESB) has secured a RM22 million subcontract job for a 50-megawatt alternating current solar farm in Kulim, Kedah. (TheEdge)

Maxis Bhd is targeting an RM813 million investment that will enhance its mobile network capacity, grow its fibre-to-the-premise footprint, and improve digitalisation across the company. (TheStar)

Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd (F&N) is expected to reap significant benefits from the upcoming heatwave in Southeast Asia given its dominant position in the food and beverage (F&B) sector in the region. (NST)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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