
MQ Market Updates - 08 April 2024 

2024-04-08 17:42:19
4731 subscribers

MQ Market Updates - 08 April 2024 

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Nextgreen Global Bhd (NGGB) has inked a partnership with IOI Corp Bhd to develop the nation’s first large scale zero-waste paper pulp plant in NGGB’s 410-acre Green Technology Park (GTP) in Pekan, Pahang. (TheStar)

Electronic manufacturing services NationGate Holdings Bhd, which was listed over a year ago in January 2023, said on Monday it plans to transfer its listing status from the ACE Market to the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. (TheEdge)

Sabah-based integrated property developer KTI Landmark Bhd has received Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd’s approval for its initial public offering (IPO) to list on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities. (TheStar)

Awanbiru Technology Bhd (Awantec) today announced that it has filed an appeal against the Kuala Lumpur High Court decision to award it RM231.5 million for the unilateral termination of Sistem Kawalan Imigresen Nasional (SKIN) project in 2019. (NST)

Sunzen Biotech Bhd today announced that it has started the process to shut down its loss-making animal health division to reduce the financial expenditures and strengthen the financial performance of the company. (NST)

Source: NST, TheEdge, TheStar

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